Interested In Getting Jade Jewelry?

jade jewelry
by: Ben Tseytlin - on Antiques & Jewelry

Jade is a type of stone which has been prized in the Far East for millennia and it appears in jewelry made in this region. It is used in China for both ceremonial purposes as well as a form of ornamentation. It usually has a green color and in recent years has become sought after by many people living in the West.

Origins of Jade

Historians believe that jade was extracted as far back as 6,000 B.C. and in addition to its use as a form of jewelry; the Chinese also used the stone to fabricate weapons. When the Han Dynasty ruled over China jade was considered a regal gem and as such was used by members of the royal family. Jade’s importance in Asia extends beyond mere aesthetics or fashion, as it is associated with the power to heal and to fight off malevolent spirits. It is believed to bring good fortune and power and prosperity to those that wear it.

Jade Coloration

Most people recognize jade as being a greenish colored stone. However, it does come in other colors, such as brown, yellow, white, red or tan. The color of the stone will depend largely on the amount of iron it contains. The more iron that is present in the stone, the greener it will be. The stone’s value, in turn, will depend on the color distribution. The majority of jade stones will have veins and irregularities. Jade also comes in two forms, one called nephrite and the other called jadeite. It is hard for most people (and even some experts) to tell the difference between them, but jadeite comes in a wider range of colors such as pink and orange, while nephrite tends to be softer.

Shopping For Jade

Jade is the perfect stone for those who are looking for something different and exotic. However, before shopping for it, it is important to determine whether you want jadeite or nephrite. Nephrite is the more common of the two and as such is less valuable. Its appeal lies more on the artistic style used. It is not as pure as jadeite but is good for those who want jade but don’t want to pay a high price tag.

Jadeite is rarer and has greater purity which means it will carry a higher price tag. It is commonly found in necklaces, brooches and earrings, and can command prices as high as six figures. This places it in the same category as emeralds or sapphires and there exists a grading system for it. The fewer modifications which have been made to jadeite, the more valuable it will be. Jadeite is best reserved for those who have deep pockets and a desire to own a Far Eastern stone.

If you happen to be in Asia, particularly Taiwan or Hong Kong, finding jade will be easy, as there are many shops there that sell it. For those outside Asia, the internet presents many opportunities but it is important to do your research and only buy from a reputable dealer.