Antique Jewelry Collections: Are You Storing Yours Properly?

antique jewelry
by: Ben Tseytlin - on Antiques & Jewelry

In the eventuality that you own an antique jewelry collection and you want to store them in a secured vault, then the first thing you should do is clean it of dust and debris. In case you didn’t know, gemstones with a Mohs’ hardness lower than 7 can be easily scratched by the tiny particles, whereas antique shell cameos and pearls are ‘allergic’ to dust. Due to scratching considerations, it is imperious that you never place gemstones with hardness higher than 7 along with those bellow this value.

What’s the best place to store your precious collection?

In an effort to combat theft attempts, some collectors decide to hide the best items in their collection and often forget where they placed them. Believe it or not, these people do such a great job at concealing their jewelry that they lose all memory regarding the pieces over the years. Unfortunately, if they happen to pass away, those valued pieces of jewelry may never be seen again.

To prevent this from happening to your collection, it is highly advisable to organize your personal record and store it in a fireproof safe you keep in your home or use a bank’s deposit box. Other noteworthy alternatives include lock boxes, jewelry armories and burglarproof gun vaults. Regardless of where you decide to keep it, remember to document the location for all your pieces. Moreover, if you happen to have a few expensive jewelry items in your collection, it would be wise to insure them, so you can recover the full value in case they’re misplaced or stolen.

antique jewelry

How to store antique jewelry the right way

It is important to note that proper storage in this case is conditioned by the type of jewelry you own and the size of your collection. Let’s explore the most suitable storage options for the common pieces you might own.

  • Earrings

Earrings are best stored individually with the friction or screw attached to the pad. Because diamonds are rigid stones, it is advisable to avoid place an earring with a loose stone on a jewelry storage tray.

  • Pendants

A surefire method to damage your antique pendants implies simply throwing them into the jewelry box where they can get knotted and tangled. The appropriate storing option entails placing them in a wooden box that permits you to keep the chain in a hanging position, while keeping it snugly secured at the same time.

  • Bracelets

Because the special compartment provides gentle support and prevents them from colliding against one another, the pillow insert of the jewelry box is the best place to keep your antique bracelets.

  • Watches

The ideal spot to keep vintage watches consists of a special crafter’s storage box that clasps it securely and ensures it’s placed faced up, as if you were wearing it on your wrist.

  • Rings

Regardless of the gemstone incorporated in the antique ring – be it emerald, sapphire, ruby, opal, moonstone, turquoise, etc. – the most important thing to remember is to never place them near a diamond. These soft gemstones are best kept separately in their own pouch or stored upright in a moist-resistance ring tray.